Media and Public Engagement


360info (Article) Playing politics with migration is risky business for Australia (7 August 2024)

The Jewish Independent (Article, co-authored with Andrew Jakubowicz) An Overdue vision for multicultural Australia (1 August 2024)

The Conversation (Article) Kamala Harris refers to herself as a ‘woman of colour’. Is it okay if everyone else does too? (25 July 2024)

SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview) هل تزيد محاولة اغتيال ترامب من حدة الاقصاء والتحريض في الخطاب السياسي الامريكي؟ (Does the attempt to assassinate trump increase the intensity of exclusion and incitement in American political discourse?) (15 July 2024)

ABC Radio Sydney Drive (Radio) Interview with Ellen Fanning on Social cohesion in multicultural Australia (10 July 2024)

ABC Religion & Ethics (Article co-written with Andrew Jakubowicz). As the war in Gaza rages, social cohesion in Australia is under strain — how to ensure it doesn’t break? (9 July 2024)

ABC Religion & Ethics (Article) The war in Gaza has revealed the limits of our prevailing political narratives and the vital role that universities can play (20 Jun 2024)

ABC RN God Forbid (Radio) What does it mean to live in a multicultural society? (14 Jun 2024)

Pearls and Irritations (Article) We need to talk about racism in Australia today (31 May 2024)

The Conversation (Print interview) Is Australia a Racist Country? We asked 5 experts (28 May 2024)

6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue (Recorded event). The Role of Education and youth engagements in Combating Xenophobia and Discrimination. Panel Session 1 (1 May 2024).

ABC Radio National Religion and Ethics Report (Radio) Tensions after knife attack in Sydney church (18 Apr 2024)

Ten News First Sport (TV) ‘The game has failed’: interview in response to racism in the NRL (12 Mar 2024)

The Guardian (Print) Oversimplifying a serious matter or a fair cop – were Sam Kerr’s alleged words really racist? (8 Mar 2024)


SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview) لدينا مخاوف جدية بشأن الوضع في غزة: أستراليا تدعم وقف إطلاق نار إنساني لكن بشروط على حماس (Australia voting in a United Nations General Assembly on a non-binding resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza) (13 Dec 2023)

ABC Radio National, What’s in a word? Multiculturalism (13 Jun 2023)

ABC News (Print) Multicultural groups are pledging their support for the Voice, but some people say they still know 'zero' about it (31 May 2023)

Le Figaro (Print) En Australie, le ramadan devient un festival multiculturel (24 Apr 2023)

The Australian (Print) Multicultural and Indigenous communities lack access to information about the voice (24 Apr 2023)

SBS (Radio Interview) عملية تجميل مزيفة سطحية لمشكل عميق يضر بالمجتمع الأسترالي: هل يخفي "يوم التناغم" وجه العنصرية في أستراليا؟ Is Harmony Day Muzzling the Reality of Racism in Australia? (21 Mar 2023)

ABC News (Print) Skilled migrants in high demand, but roadblocks may stymie efforts to retain talent in Australia (16 Feb 2023)


Crikey (Print) How Palestine is winning the World Cup (9 Dec 2022)

ABC Religion & Ethics (Print) In the lead up to the Victorian state election, let’s not forget about the needs of multicultural communities (again) (16 Nov 2022)

SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview) البروفيسور فتحي منصوري: اللقاء الأسترالي الصيني قد يكون بداية لتحسن نسبي في العلاقات (The Australian-Chinese meeting may be the beginning of good relations) (15 Nov 2023)

Opinion - The Policy Maker (Print) How could data help us combat racism? (11 Oct 2022)

Lowy Institute (Recorded Panel) Migration nation: Australia’s foreign policy from a multicultural perspective (10 Aug 2022)

The Conversation (Print) 5 years on, would an outspoken Australian-Muslim activist ‘get Yassmined? Abdel-Magied herself hopes change is happening (13 Jul 2022)

SBS Arabic24, Arab-Australians praise 'very important' Census, call for greater language learning (1 Jul 2022)

3AW (Radio Interview with Tom Elliot) To what extent is Australia a racist country? (29 Jun 2022)

SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview) باحث اجتماعي يحلل نتائج التعداد السكاني: "عدم التدين في أستراليا يصل إلى أعلى مستوى له وهذه ظاهرة على المستوى العالمي" (Australia is more diverse and less religious: an analysis of 2021 Census findings by sociologist Fethi Mansouri) (28 Jun 2022)

Seriously Social (Video) Is Australia Racist? (21 Jun 2022)

The Conversation (Print) Racism is still an everyday experience for non-white Australians Where is the plan to stop this? (29 Mar 2022)

Seriously Social Podcast (Audio Interview) I’m not racist, but… (29 Mar 2022)


Academy of Social Sciences (Recorded Panel Presentation) The Future of Migration, Multiculturalism and Diversity in Australia: Post-COVID social recovery Responding to Crisis and building a better Society. The Social Future of Australia. (23 Nov 2021)

The Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (Recorded Panel) Locked Down: How COVID has changed how we live, learn and work Chair and moderator, 24th AASSREC Biennial General Conference: Session 4 (27 Oct 2021)

2SER 107.3 Breakfast (Radio interview with Annie Bhatt) Changing Minds (13 Sep 2021)

The Wire (Radio interview) Tunisia's young democracy thrown into constitutional crisis (28 Jul 2021)

SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview with Iman Riman and Hanna Yassin) :باحث أسترالي وعضو في اليونسكو: "أستراليا بحاجة لإصلاحات جذرية في مواجهة الإسلاموفوبيا والعنصرية" Australian scholar and UNESCO member: "Australia needs radical reforms in the face of Islamophobia and racism" (22 Jul 2021)

ABC News, Australia said it was going to collect diversity data with Covid-19 vaccinations and positive tests. But is it? (8 Jul 2021)

SBS Arabic (Radio Interview) انقسامٌ في أستراليا حول حظر حساب ترامب على تويتر: هل هو انتهاك لحرية التعبير أم خطوة لحماية السلم الأهلي؟ Australia split over Trump's Twitter ban: a violation of free speech or a move to protect civil peace? (12 Jan 2021)


SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview - Arabic) The Normalisation of Arab states with Israel and its implications for the Palestinian cause (14 Dec 2020)

ABC Religion and Ethics Report (Radio Interview) Aggressive secularism exacerbates religious tensions in France (25 Nov 2020)

ABC Religion & Ethics, Muslims are not the problem, and critics are not the enemy: How aggressive secularism is dividing France (16 Nov 2020)

The Conversation, For French Muslims, every terror attack brings questions about their loyalty to the republic (30 Oct 2020)

UNESCO, The socio-cultural implications of Covid-19 (French) (29 Oct 2020)

SBS Arabic (Radio Interview) France's crime should be condemned, so should other crimes (20 Oct 2020)

SBS Arabic (Radio Interview with Nabil Al Nashar and Sylvia Mezher) UN International Peace Day (21 Sep 2020)

The Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) (Public webinar) UN International Day of Peace Virtual Conference 2020 (19 Sep 2020)

UNESCO and UNAOC Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue University Network (Public webinar) Response to #COVID19: Webinar 3 (6 Aug 2020)

Bluestar Intercultural Centre and Australian Centre of Christianity and Culture (Recorded panel) Conversations on Racism: Racism and Dialogue (23 Jul 2020)

SBS Arabic (Radio Interview) البروفسور فتحي منصوري: الصين ستواصل الاستيراد من أستراليا رغم الأزمات السياسية Professor Mansouri says Australia's national interest comes first (13 Jul 2020)

UNESCO, The socio-cultural implications of Covid-19 (English) (29 May 2020)

SBS Arabic (Radio Interview) عضو في منظمة اليونسكو: أستراليا بين أفضل سبع دول في الاستجابة لكوفيد 19 (Australia among the top seven countries in responding to COVID-19) (19 May 2020)

UNESCO, Advancing a new social contract in the post Covid-19 era (French) (14 May 2020)

UNESCO, Advancing a new social contract in the post Covid-19 era (English) (14 May 2020), also republished by (May 2020), Centre for Intercultural Dialogue (19 May 2020) and Sixteens SDB (21 April 2020)

UNESCO (Video interview) The global effects of COVID-19 (12 May 2020)

Baku Process (Recorded meeting) Virtual Meeting (23 Apr 2020)

SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview) On the death of Egyptian former president Hosni Mubarak (26 Feb 2020)


SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview) الحرب السورية ومجزرة نيوزيلندا أبرز أحداث العقد المنصرم Syrian war and NZ massacre are the significant news for the last decade (31 Dec 2019)

The Conversation, ‘These young Muslim Australians want to meet Islamophobes and change their minds. And it’s working’ (22 Nov 2019)

SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview) Tunisia Election Results (15 Oct 2019)

SBS Arabic24 (Radio Interview) الانتخابات التونسية: "الشعب يعاقب الطبقة السياسية التقليدية" Tunisia's elections and the country's democratic process (20 Sep 2019)

dKin, Recalibrating multiculturalism (2019)


AAIMS, Interview with AAIMS Advisory Board member Fethi Mansouri (Oct 7 2018)

Invenio, ADI Director takes tough stance on Australia’s aid program (14 Jun 2018)

ADI (Video) Ramadan: Islamic Religiosity in Australia (23 May 2018)

ABC Late Night (Radio Interview with Phillip Adams) Tunisia's spring seven years on (15 Feb 2018)

Invenio, Research opposes media narrative of ‘African gangs’ in Melbourne (5 Feb 2018)


AMES, Reinventing Australia’s multiculturalism (20 Dec 2017)

ABC Life Matters (Radio Interview with Cathy Pryor) The future of multiculturalism in Australia The future of multiculturalism in Australia (7 Dec 2017)

ADI (Video) Islamic Religiosity in the West: Belonging and Political Engagement in Multicultural Societies (3 Dec 2017)

Al Mesbar Studies & Research Center, From Al Mesbar Monthly Book Muslims in Australia: History and Policies of Multiculturalism (21 Nov 2017)

SBS News, Australians unlikely to intervene in Islamophobic attacks (10 Jul 2017)

SBS World News (Television interview) 'Not wanted here': New report details first-hand experiences of Islamophobic attacks (10 July 2017)

ABC The World Today (Radio Interview) Study into Islamic faith finds Australian Muslims feel more included than French Muslims (20 Jun 2017)

Azernews, Fethi Mansouri 'Baku Process' message instils deep hope to jointly solve problems (4 May 2017)

Intercultural Dialogue (Video interview) Dr. Fethi Mansouri (25 Apr 2017)

ADI (Video) ADI Director Professor Fethi Mansouri - ADI Policy Forum on Treaty (20 Jan 2017)


Hizmet Movement news portal, Launch of the Fethullah Gulen Chair in Islamic studies and Dialogue at Deakin University (5 Dec 2016)

QACC, Queensland African Communities Council Celebration of African Australians Inc. Supporters (1 November 2016)

Australian Muslim Times, Refuting Foundations of Extremism (21 Oct 2016)

SBS News, Almost 60 per cent of Australians would be concerned if a close relative married a Muslim, a university study into Islamophobia has found (27 Sep 2016)

UNSW Newsroom, Aussies concerned over Muslim marriage (27 Sep 2016)

Khazanah, 60 Percent of Australians Worry About Their Relatives Married to Muslims (26 Sep 2016)

ANSW Newsroom, From the US election to the politics of ‘justice’ and ‘rights (20 Sep 2016)

Eureka Street, Pauline's peddling the hate again (15 Sep 2016), Interfaith Discussion in Australia to Straighten the Image of Islam (14 June 2016)

Voices Against Bigotry, Whose Problem is the ‘Problem with Islam’? (13 Jun 2016)

Detik News, Aligning the Image of Islam to Eliminate Islamophobia in Australia (13 June 2016)

SBS, Settlement Guide: Australia's political system (6 June 2016)

SBS News (Radio Interview) Migrant youth and the Federal Election (19 May 2016)

The Congregation of Mark the Evangelis, Public Discussion: Whose Problem is Islam? (6 May 2016)

SBS (Radio Interview) SBS to attend international SCOA conference, (4 May 2016)

ADI (Video) ‘In Search of Umma’: Seminar with Professor James Piscatori (3 Apr 2016)

Arena Public Discussion: Whose Problem is the ‘Problem with Islam’? (April 2016)

ABC Religion and Ethics Report (Radio Interview) Brussels attack (23 Mar 2016)

ABC Big Ideas (Radio Interview) Belief and belonging (10 Mar 2016)

Victorian Multicultural Commission Generational Gap for multicultural young people (21 Jan 2016)


SBS Arabic Radio Interview Br Fethi Mansouri represented Australia in the annual UNESCO meeting uploaded (29 December 2015)

ABC The World Today Radio Conference to address the place of Islam in the West (14 December 2015)

ABC PM Radio Interview Sarah Farnsworth Institute abandons #MyJihad campaign after student backlash (3 December 2015)

SBS Arabic Radio Interview Saleem Al-Fahad International Symposia on Citizenship and Racism uploaded (3 December 2015)

The Australian, Religion Helps Muslim to Belong’, a story by Jennine Khalik on the Muslim Religiosity project (1 Dec 2015)

SBS Arabic Radio interview Nobel Peace prize award to tunisia's civil society quartet uploaded (11 October 2015)

ADI (Video) Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation - Strategic Plan Launch (1 Oct 2015)

SBS Arabic Radio Interview Launch of the Alfred Deakin strategic plan 2015-20 uploaded (23 September 2015)

Southern Perspectives, 'An-Other way of being in the contemporary world' (21 Aug 2015)

SBS Arabic Radio Interview What after democratic transmission of Tunisia? uploaded (24 July 2015)

ABC Saturday Extra, Tunisia (27 June 2015)

Council for Australian–Arab relations, ADI “Round table: Democratic transition in Tunisia and the role of civil society” (23 Jul 2015)

Haber 46, 'In Australia, the second of the Gulen Chair starts operating' (17 July 2015)

The Age, 'Opinion Piece: ‘Resilience of Carthage has lessons for Tunisia's leaders’ (5 Apr 2015)

The Age, 'Resilience of Carthage has lessons for Tunisia's leaders ' (5 April 2015)

The Age, 'Opinion Piece: ‘Social media role in fight against global terror must be recognised and matched as IS wields new weapons’ (15 Mar 2015)

The Wheeler Centre (Recorded Event) The Talking Point: Egypt and Beyond (23 Jan 2015)

The Wheeler Centre (Recorded Event) You Say You Want a Revolution: The Arab Spring (22 Jan 2015)


ABC Rear Vision Radio Interview Keri Phillips Tunisia – after the revolution (23 November 2014)

SBS Arabic 24 Radio Interview Tunisian Paliamentary Elections uploaded (30 October 2014)

ABC PM Radio Interview Mark Colvin Tunisia votes in second election since ousting dictatorship (29 October 2014)

ABC RN Drive Tunisia after the Arab Spring (28 October 2014)

ABC The World Today Radio interview Barney Porter Tunisia becomes role model for Arab Spring nations caught in cycle of violence (27 October 2014)

SBS Arabic Radio Interview Tunisia on its way to a democratic regime uploaded (5 February 2014)


The Australian Human Rights Commission,‘Re configuring Anti-racism: Tolerance, Harmony, Inclusion or Justice?’(9 Dec 2013)

SBS Arabic Radio Interview Launch UNESCO Chair, Comparative Research on Cultural Diversity and Social Justice uploaded (6 October 2013)

The Conversation, 'Back to the future on temporary protection visas' (27 Aug 2013)

ABC Sunday Nights Radio Interview The Issue: Islam, Faith and Democracy (7 July 2013)

National Asylum Summit (2013)


World Politics Review, ‘Australia’s Relations with the Middle East’ (25 Sep 2012)

ABC Opinion, 'Angels or Animals? The problem of Muslim stereotyping By Rachel Woodlock' (3 Apr 2012)


Great Southern Star, 'Raising refugee awareness’. Interview by Tessa Hayward' (22 Nov 2011)

CHUO 89.1 FM Happenstances and Occurrences Radio Interview Benjamin Miller Interview: Professor Fethi Mansouri (16 November 2011)

ABC Life Matters Radio Interview Richard Aedy, Ann Arnold Forum: Multiculturalism, migration and a sustainable Australia (10 November 2011)

ABC PM Radio Interview Barbara miller US hits back at UNESCO (1 November 2011)

ABC PM Radio Interview Mark Colvin Winning Islamist party in Tunisia not interested in theocracy. (28 October 2011)

SBS, 'Journalist Manpreet Singh spoke to some of the key participants in the forum to explore their views about inclusiveness and Australian diversity' (20 October 2011)

Hume Leader, 'Cutting state’s culture’ (5 Jul 2011)

ABC Overnights Radio Interview Our Immigration Policy (17 June 2011)

The Age, ‘What is missing in the UN Millennium Development Goals?’ (14 Jun 2011)

The Age, ‘UN Migration talks’ (8 Mar 2011)

ABC 7.30 Report (TV Interview) The revolution is just a tweet away (9 February 2011)


United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Unity in Diversity Global Dialogue Forum (Recorded event) English Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Roundtable Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Roundtable Part 1 & Part 2 (12 October 2010)

Eighth International Conference, ‘New directions in the humanities' (Jul 2010)


Southern Free Times QLD, ‘Schools the major site for youth racism’ (19 Nov 2009)

The Age interview with Miki Perkins, ‘Schools a hotbed of racism’ (Nov 2009)


The Age interview with Margaret Cook, ‘Racism in schools 'underestimated’ (29 May 2006)


The Age interview with Barney Zwartz, ‘Backlash uniting Muslims’ (26 Nov 2005)

ABC Radio The World Today, 'Islamic schools under pressure to monitor curriculum' (5 August 2005)

The Age interview with Russel Skelton, ‘Muslims sound alarm over schools’ (31 Jul 2005)

ABC Radio National The World Today, interview RE the release of Douglas Wood in Iraq 'Wood release: luck or skill' (15 July 2005).

ABC Radio National AM, 'Interview RE the upsurge of violence in Iraq following the new government is sworn in'.(5 May 2005)

ABC Radio National AM, Upsurge of violence in Iraq following the new government is sworn in (5 May 2005)

ABC Radio National PM, 'Iraqi leadership stalemate broken' (5 April 2005) 

ABC Radio National PM, 'Peace back on Arab league agenda: Experts' (23 March 2005)


ABC RN, 'The Temporary Protection Visa Must Go!' (10 August 2004)

ABC National PM, with Mark Colvern, Israel hints Arafat is in its sights (24 March 2004)


The Age, Review of Overland Article ‘Strange Words: Refugee Perspective’ (Reviewer Catherine Ford) (29 Nov 2003)

The Age, interview with Gary Tippet. ‘Tests on Saddam tape show dictator may live’ (13 May 2003)

The Age, interview with Ed O’Loughlin, ‘Saddam alive and on tape?’ (7 May 2003)

ABC Radio The World at Noon with John Highfield (Radio Interview) Cultural sensitivities in the War on Iraq (8 April 2003)

ABC Radio The World Today (Radio Interview) Arab media networks diversify war coverage (23 March 2003)


The Age, 'The bread and butter of life in limbo' (3 July 2002)  

The Age, Interview with Kerry Taylor, ‘Call for Visa Inquiry’ (30 Apr 2002)


The Australian Research Council Discovery magazine, feature article ‘Promoting social tolerance and cohesion through understanding and education’ (2001, pp3-4) 

Panel Discussion hosted by Lowry Institute (2022) Migration nation: Australia's foreign policy from a multicultural perspective

Interview in Seriously Social video (2022) Is Australia Racist?

Paper presented in Academy of Social Sciences Online Symposium (2021) The Social Future of Australia

Moderator and Session Chair for the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils' Biennial General Conference (2021) Navigating the Future with and after COVID-19: The role of Social Sciences in Asia

Invited Speaker for Women's Federation for World peace, Australia (2020) UN International Day of Peace Virtual Conference 2020

Invited Panellist for Bluestar intercultural Centre (2020) Conversations on Racism: Racism and Dialogue

Interview (French) with UNESCO (2020) The global effects of COVID-19

Interview with Australian Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies (2018) Interview with AAIMS Advisory Board member Professor Fethi Mansouri

Alfred Deakin institute (2017) Islamic Religiosity in the West: Belonging and Political Engagement in Multicultural Societies

Interview with Intercultural Dialogue (2017)

Panellist on The Wheeler Centre (2015) The Talking Point: Egypt and Beyond